Harry Harry Harry
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I am Michael/CriminalCriminalCriminal/x_victim_x/harrysportenjoyer

The basics

My current fixations: TV Shows I like: Games I like:
DSAF, FNAF, and Dialtown Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, Star Trek (TNG and TOS), Fallout Fallout, the Sims, Rimworld, Project Zomboid, Ultrakill, Regretavator

Questions and Answers:




website :)

Badge reading: This site is best viewed with a computer with a picture of a smiling computer Badge reading: css is difficult
Badge reading: web design is my passion Badge reading: I eat paper and glue
Free Website Hit Counter
One of the websites on the internet
Sign my guestbook
Stories I like A book who's pages are being flipped through rapidly
My Ao3 Little yellow man reading
My Tumblr Little guy typing on the computer
trustworthy website altert