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My Favorite Stories on Ao3


Fics without smut:

Octane Rating by dontrollthedice (locked to AO3 account holders)
This one makes my heart drop into my stomach :( rare for us to get a good exploration of the ending where Harry goes down with him
Ring, Ring! by bellygunnr
Speculative phone anatomy 🤤 the scenes where Jack cleans his head make me feel itchy in a good way
I hope you pick up your phone (I'd like to talk to you) by Anonymous
This one is just such a good exploration of Harry's character. His interaction with Jack at the end is really cute too. Great fic all around.

Fics with smut

don't get any closer, i don't want to see your flaws by starstuff (eridenthe)
This one is… woah.. thhghtffhh
Unprofessional Antics by SPYZSVLLY
This is the fic that got me into Harrysport
“Let go!” by iwaschosenfortheconstitutionalconvention
Not really explicit but he pulls on that cord. I think this fic might've been the one that invented sensitive cords, so a trailblazer.